Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Perfect Cooker for Paleo Dieters - Did I Say "Under Pressure"?

If you're into diets and nutrition, perhaps you have heard of the Paleo diet.

A Paleo, or "Paleolithic" diet, involves eating as our caveman forefathers did.  For example, cavemen could get and eat eggs, veggies, fruit, and fish. Their meat, which roamed around free when it was alive, was grass-fed. These are all acceptable foods to someone on a Paleo diet.

Those in the Paleolithic era didn't indulge so much in things such as dairy products, processed oils, refined sugars and salts, and foods that they didn't have time to wait around to grow - like grains and potatoes. (I will refrain from making jokes about how they never stayed in one place for long because they were being chased by dinosaurs, as well as any jokes involving "The Flinstones."). The benefits of such a diet are a bit controversial, but making an effort to eat healthy foods can't be wrong.

Paleo Diet and Your Pressure Cooker - Think of that pressure cooker as your diet buddy

Pressure cookers were just made for you if you are on the Paleo diet. After all, cooking healthy veggies is fast and easy with one of these babies.

Pressure cookers cook in a way that retains the nutrients and the flavor of veggies such as spinach, broccoli, and peas. And, as an added bonus, since the veggies keep their flavor, you won't be tempted to add salt or any of those other flavorings that are no-nos on Paleo. And, don't think you have to sacrifice your nightly dessert if you are on the Paleo diet. With a pressure cooker, you can make tasty, diet-appropriate desserts such as stuffed apples.

It Is Possible to Use Cheaper Meats 
Well, the cavemen didn't spend a lot on meat—why should you?

Stews are a great part of this diet. After all, most stews are basically meat and veggies. And, stew-meat is typically a cheaper type of meat. Those on the Paleo diet can also indulge in chicken. Buy a cheap cut of chicken, put it in the cooker with some veggies, and you've got a fast, nutritious meal.

Your Own Version of Lean Cuisine, Only Cheaper - Because we all know cheaper is better

Lean Cuisine is known for their healthy, frozen meals. Excuse me for mixing dieting methods, but it is possible to stay on the Paleo diet even while you're away from home, thanks to the Lean Cuisine concept—frozen healthy meals.

Again, your trusty pressure cooker is a part of this. For instance, you can make up a big batch of veggie soup quickly and nutritiously with the pressure cooker. Freeze it in batches - that way, when you're heading out to work in the morning, all you have to do is grab a frozen bowl of soup. You've got lunch for the day, and you don't have to cheat on your diet by running out for a cheeseburger.

Frozen food can last for months and still be good. And, as everyone knows, making your own food is cheaper than buying those Lean Cuisine meals. Plus, you can make your favorite meals.

Dieting is no fun - it is a universal truth. However, if you use your pressure cooker to help, the Paleo diet can be not only tolerable, but quite tasty.

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